animalia around Australia

animalia around Australia

Animalia Art takes pride in celebrating Australian animals through sculptures that are made of Corten steel. These sculptures are built to rust and are designed to be hammered into any timber, tree or post. They are proudly Australian made and owned and strive to bring happiness to every home or landscape. Our new initiative Animalia around Australia, aims to highlight the incredible heritage  of Australia and to allow our animals to be a part of such iconic landscapes. 


One landscape that Animalia has been lucky enough to be a part of, is the Japanese gardens located in Adelaide. Adelaide Himeji Garden is a traditional Japanese style garden that was gifted to Adelaide by its sister city Himeji in 1982. It was originally designed by council staff in conjunction with the Adelaide Japanese community. The garden features profound religious significance to the people of Japan . It was designed in a way to represent and recall the beauty of nature. The garden blends two classic styles. The first is the 'senzui' (lake and mountain garden), where water and a bit of imagination create images of vastness and grandeur. The second is the 'kare senzui' (dry garden), where rocks and sand evoke the presence of water and even the sea itself.

This sanctuary encapsulates a perfect environment for the Animalia butterfly to thrive. Butterfly in Japanese is “Choho” andJapanese culture associates a butterfly to be the soul of the living and the dead. The butterfly also symbolises personal development, joy and longevity. By placing our Animalia butterflies in and amongst the Himeji Gardens, this oasis feels like a garden with wings. Our Animalia butterflies look amazing in trees, in & around the lake, on fences, in the water on rocks and in garden beds. Animalia Art can flourish almost anywhere.